Sunday, November 13, 2011

Intimus VZ 28/35 Industrial Shredder

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Product Description

Wondering what to do with your old video cassettes, floppy disks, CDs, carbon tapes, electronic circuit boards, tin cans and plastic bottles? The solution is here! In the event you have a special need intimus® will be glad to test the capabilities of the machine upon receipt of a sample material. Materials which contian poisonous, corrosive, corrosion-promoting, or flammable media must not be processed.The machine is simple to use. You just put your shredding material into the hopper, close the lid and press the START button. When the machine is finished shredding it will turn itself off. You can manually turn it off as well. The shredded particles fall from the cutting block directly into a commercial garbage bin. The filled bin can then be taken out via a limit switch-secured door on its rollers to be emptied.


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